DiRT & Glitter
Celebrating our Inner and Outer Wilderness
DiRT & Glitter is an Environmental Art Nonprofit working to inspire deeper connections to our bodies, each other and the environment through interactive site-specific performances, events, and classes.
As a team of artists, athletes, educators, and environmental activists we seek to resource the power of movement, art, and adventure to create experiences that strengthen our individual and collective ability to be joyful stewards of life.
In a world of screens and distractions we believe now more than ever we need:
Art to connect us to our hearts
Movement to connect us to our bodies and the environment they are a part of
Community gatherings to connect us to each other
DiRT & Glitter, much like the wilderness we are inspired by, is continuing to expand its roots and broaden its branches. With our two main focuses being our Performance Company and our Youth Program. Our Performance Company offers site-specific performances in wild places. Imagine paddling through a performance where art installations, dancers, musicians, poets and comedians are staged along the banks of the river. Our Youth Program offers creative and recreational programming in movement, art and environmental education that support a lifelong journey of health.
DiRT & Glitter Events
A Return to Movement
Just Below the Surface
Breathing Bridges 2024
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Past Projects
Two Suns
A vertical dance performance danced and choreographed by Lauren Godla and Madeline Lawder over the South Fork Smith River in 2022 in conjunction with BoatSmith, a whitewater festival. The performance was captured in a film and later shared as a part of the 2022 SF Dance Film Festival.
In Our Veins
A site-specific riverside performance staged along the banks of the South Fork Smith in 2022 included performances from musicians, comedians, dancers and grammy nominated jazz vocalists.